Transported After School Program
COVID-19 Safety policy and guidelines
Safety is our top priority! We intend to maintain the highest safety for our students, staff and families by adhering to Oregon Health Authority Guidelines in all our camps and classes. We will adapt to changes in the safety guidelines as they are announced.
All students and their families are required to report any COVID-19 symptoms or exposure to an individual with COVID-19 symptoms (fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea) or diagnosed with COVID-19.
Families must sign a COVID 19 acknowledgement of risk waiver before students can participate.
What will pick up look like at my child’s school?
We will follow Oregon Health Authority and Portland Public School guidelines around safe pick up procedures. As the guidelines change we will inform parents in a timely manner.
What will pick up at One With Heart look like?
Masks will be required for parents during pick up.
We will be doing a health screening for parents or authorized adults at pick up.
One parent will sign their child out of the program every day while wearing a mask and following distancing guidelines.
Will students have to wear masks?
At this time, we are still requiring all students and staff to wear a mask at all times during pickup, transportation, and training.
Will there be physical distancing during the after school program?
We will follow OHA guidelines for indoor recreation while adhering to 6 feet social distancing during social and play times and training on the floor until state safety guidelines change.
Will students be sharing equipment?
We will be limiting the use of shared equipment. Staff will clean any used equipment after each class.
What kind of cleaning protocols will you have in place?
We will require proper washing of hands before snack or meal breaks and as a normal part of bathroom/restroom breaks. Hand sanitation stations will be available through out the school.
OWH staff will clean training spaces and equipment between each use with OHA recommended cleaners.
How will you handle illness during this time of heightened safety during the pandemic?
Our staff treats every student with respect and kindness on a regular day and especially when they are not feeling well or having challenges. We will approach our students with compassion when they are not feeling well and respond promptly to make them feel safe and cared for while they wait for parent pick up.
What happens if my child is ill the night before attending OWH?
We ask that all students and parents monitor for symptoms before participating in any of our classes. This includes taking temperature 24 hours prior to the start of the day. Any symptomatic or feverish participants will be required to cancel themselves from class for that day.
What happens if a child is ill during at school before pick up?
If a child shows signs of illness (listed above) we will ask parents to pick them up at school. We will not be able to allow transportation or drop off for participation in our program if a student is ill. Students will not be allowed to return to the class until they have a negative COVID 19 test result to protect the health of all students and staff.
What happens if my child is ill during their training day at OWH?
We will call parents to pick up their child if they are showing symptoms of illness. We will have a supervised and safe space separate from the training floor for students to wait for parent pick up.
When can my child return to One With Heart after being sent home due to illness?
Students who are sent home due to illness must be symptom-free and receive a negative PCR Covid test before returning to the after school program. If they test positive for Covid-19, they must be symptom free and receive a negative at-home test result before returning.
What happens if my child is ill after pick up?
We ask that any student who is exhibiting COVID-19 after attending a class at One With Heart notify us within 24 hours. If this occurs, we will inform all participants in that class that they may have come in contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. The name of the symptomatic person will not be shared.
If my child has to quarantine due to a positive COVID 19 test, do we have to pay for the days they missed?
We do not pro-rate for tuition for short term absences of only a few days. If a student misses 2 weeks of class parents must call us to make arrangements with our staff immediately.